Thursday, November 21, 2013

Trials of Blood now available!

So it's been quite some time since I finished Trials of Blood. I went through various means of trying to get this novel out there so readers can enjoy it, but nothing really fell through. I tried Kickstarter for funding money and pitching it to hundreds of agents yet both failed. I wasn't about to give up just yet though so I have decided that self-publishing was my best option. Sure the novel isn't super edited and without error, but I have a story to tell, and I'm willing to share that story to whomever is willing to listen.

With that, Trials of Blood is now available on Amazon for purchase. I'm going to see what I can do about getting a hard copy version of the book but for now it can be purchased digitally onto any kindle device. I have also gone and scrubbed this blog to the bones. I wanted to start fresh, start new so I felt that this was a good time to do it. This is now my very first post on this blog, and we shall move forward together.

Thank you to the Sword's Honor community and all the readers out there willing to take a chance on my creativity. You're all very much appreciated.

Trials of Blood (Sword's Honor Saga: Book One)


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